When you begin to look at the weather for a project like this the weather report takes on a whole new life. We have had storms and hail predicted for the last two days. What wonderful photo opportunities. But nothing has come to pass. We have had two days of humid overcast weather which could be typical of the weather we will have for the next three months in Brisbane. Still this exercise is already honing my powers of observation. i found a beautiful stone a bit like rose quartz in the gutter. And now to communicate the languid sweaty feeling that overcomes me at the thought of a hot walk early in the morning.
I am taking these photos while walking my dog. Not always easy as sometimes he pulls on the lead. But this is so much part of my early morning emotions anyway. I am very interested in the puddles that occur in the totally man made environment that I inhabit as an inner city resident. They result from errors and damage and end as repositories for the effects of weather which in a more natural environment would manifest in seasonal changes in native fauna and vegetation.