Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Burrawang Tuesday 29 November

After an overnight visit to steamy Queensland I was surprised to find, on my return, that it was also humid here. Temperatures today have reached the high 20s and with the unexpected humidity and little or no breeze it seems warmer. The forecast shows a cool change on the way.
Despite last weeks heavy rain the last few days have been warm enough for me to have to water the vegetable garden. 
As spring draws to a close the forecast is for a summer with above average rain fall.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Burrawang Wednesday 23 November

One day late with the Tuesday weather report but the cool change which came through mid Monday continues with Weather Zone predicting falls of 50 to 100mm in the coming week. The rain will be welcome as the volcanic soil in the area cracks and dries out after a few above 30 deg days.
Here a cold change is quite dramatic with maxima falling from the mid 30s on the week to the mid teens.

Late spring flowers have erupted after the recent hot spell. Summer plants like dahlias are now growing before our eyes.

Yesterday morning's grey overcast skies have now given away to steady rain which will result in another snail invasion.