Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Burrawang Tuesday 12 April 2011

I am very excited to be posting the first in the series of Tuesday weather reports. Nicola Moss and I have decided that, as part of our ongoing weather project, we will regularly post about the weather each Tuesday to record not only the progress of the seasons but also regional differences. This not only continues our practice of serial observation but may also provide some useful material to be explored when we meet to work together on the project at our residency at Montsalvat in October this year.

9:40 am.
Today is the coldest day this year. Even though it is only mid autumn there is a chill in the air. Strong westerly winds are blowing and there is a rapid passage of clouds across the sky.
The leaves from the deciduous trees in our garden are beginning to fall more quickly. In the studio I am wearing socks and a jumper and the heated dog bed is turned on.

 Leaves from the tulip tree and the deciduous pear tree.

 Image from my phone. It's not really that dark.

 Buddleia bush buffeted by the cold winds.

1 comment:

Nicola Moss said...

I'm looking forward to Tuesday weather reports too, thanks Susan. I have put on a cardigan on the odd wet night lately when temps have dropped below 20degrees.