Sunny winter days, I just love them. It feels great to stand in the sunlight and warm up, taking away any chilled feeling, like a natural heater. I'm enjoying the little bit of extra light at the end of the day too..Spring is on the way. It's been a mild week with some cool nights but glorious sun filled days, which leave me wishing I could be out in the garden all day, all week. The peach trees are in full blossom and I've been harvesting citrus by the bucket load as new blossom forms for the next seasons growth. Winds have been absent, as has rain, the ground has dried out with grass browning in patches, slow growth has been welcome with the opportunity to clear out unwanted weeds. I'm enjoying the weather a lot, it's very comfortable.
Some people I've spoken with this week have mentioned they'd like to see some rain soon, I find it interesting how quickly we like to see change in weather patterns.
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