As you can see from yesterdays weather chart we had a beautiful clear summer's day for Christmas. Lunch was in the garden and dinner on the verandah.
We feasted on local seafood, berries, cherries and Australian free range ham and a christmas cake made from Australian dried fruit and I thought how lucky we were to have fantastic local produce to enjoy.
Earlier in the morning we had called my partner's sister who lives in North Western new South Wales on a wheat and sheep property. Their day was spent rushing to try and get the harvest in before the rains came. Lunch was a ham and tomato sandwich. At about 4pm we got a text from Carol saying there had been a cloud burst and the paddocks and roads were flooded. What started as the bumper year to recover from many years of drought was not to be.
Much is made about the inappropriate use of land by farmers but I think we all want to eat local, not imported, food for our Christmas feast and, for that matter, everyday. Some one is eating a sandwich in the field while you sit down to the family lunch Ms Gillard. Look after our farmers.