Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Burrawang Tuesday 10 May 1:35PM

After a cold and overcast day yesterday it is sunny with a few light clouds and a gentle breeze today.
Although we are still in the first half of autumn we are having wintery conditions. It will be interesting to see if this means we will have a very cold winter and possibly some snow. As this is only our third winter here every season is still a new experience.
Frost on the weekend has meant that the garden is going into winter mode. I have removed the last of the tomatoes and basil and will now focus on the woody herbs for flavouring in the kitchen.
There are still rosella, currawongs and bower birds about but not nearly as many as there were in the past few weeks.  The deciduous trees have lost about 80% of their leaves so raking is now (or should be) a daily activity.

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