Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Willow Vale Tuesday 10th May

After a cool, overcast and drizzly day yesterday, I woke to sunshine and blue skies with puffy white clouds. Sunshine makes such a difference to temperature at this time of year, so one less jumper was put on this morning.
It's a hive of activity in the garden with walks serenaded by the chirping calls of WagTails, Fantails, Silvereyes, Thornbills and Honeyeaters. I could watch for hours as these small birds dance and dart between the foliage of trees, eating a few remaining mulberries and insects curled in drying leaves. Butterflies are still plentiful, as are the cabbage moths, making for a morning job of removing their freshly layed eggs from the brassicas I'd like to be eating in a couple of months.
A gusty westerly wind comes and goes and I can see dark cloud banks forming in the skyline to the South, perhaps some more showers this afternoon. Great weather for working in the garden, at a time of year when I won't lose several litres of fluid through sweat.

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