Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Eltham Tuesday 11 October

Today it was cool and partly overcast with maximum temperatures in the mid teens in Eltham, Victoria.
It is now a week since Queensland artist Nicole Moss and I arrived at Montsalvat Artists Colony east of Melbourne to begin a four week residency to continue working on our collaborative project which examines and records weather observations and changing perceptions of weather and it's impact on our lives.
Earlier work had looked at weather as almost peripheral force in our day to day lives, a phenomenon which was often relegated to polite conversation. However in the last year many Australians have experienced violent extremes of weather conditions which impacted strongly on day to day life. It is the malevolent and uncontolable aspects of weather that we have decided to look at during the residency.
In future posts I will record some of the work and ideas we are developing during the residency.
In the meantime here are a few images of Montsalvat.
Monsalvat is a huge and rambling complex of buildings constructed in the 1930s and it would be very easy to shoot hundreds of images on a quick walk through the picturesque gardens. Here are just three.

Nicola's bedroom is just under the spired tower.

My bedroom and studio are through the open door to the left of the barn. The main part of the barn is occupied by Chris the guitar maker.

The gardens are occupied by geese, ducks and noisy peacocks.


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